Disclaimer: Blog Posts and Comments

It should be obvious, but these days, primarily in the “West” it isn’t so here is the rhetorical disclaimer: any blog post, is the opinion of it’s author, it may nor may not also be the opinion of anyone else on planet Earth, but usually it would be the opinion of the author. As stated in The Green Book — Guide to Democracy: “Even a madman has a right to state his opinion even if only to prove his madness”. Ergo, any Comment under any blog post, likewise is likely to be the opinion of the person making the comment at that particular time and place. Evidently, people’s opinions may change over time, so anyone who had an opinion at one point in time and expressed it in writing or in any other medium may change their opinion at a later point in time and may or most likely may not update their previously published blog posts or comments.

Consequently too this disclaimer, while intended to be general and state the obvious, may also be legally imperfect or factually deficient and incomplete.

For the others: don’t worry about the above, we understand the variety of ideas and their fluidity!