This page addresses the problems of SSB interference to IBP Beacons and also the often misunderstood relationship between SSB frequencies and CW frequencies based on dial readout. For more information about the International Beacon Project see the IBP Page. This page here is intended primarily to explain to the SSB […]
The International Amateur Radio Union is not an organization that radio amateurs can join individually. It consists instead of its member “national societies”, of which it generally allows only one organization per country. Back in the early days when it was created perhaps this was not a problem, however, the […]
For the Old Timer who has observed the encroachment upon formerly exclusive CW bands and not been subjected to the “cooked slowly like a frog syndrome”, the following facts should be obvious: These three facts do not bode well for the future, and in addition due to point 3. above, […] not only provides resources for all those interested in “non-5NN TU” activities, that is, enjoyable Quality Over Quantity activity and especially in CW, but also we hope to assist the newcomer and those interested in good operating practices. In doing so, there is certainly far more that is allowed […]
The following article, linked below, is considered essential reading for anyone new to electronic (paddle) keying as well as those who do not want to limit the possibility of operating at higher speeds (QRQ). Learning to use a twin “iambic” paddle with electronic keyer is going to hamper your QRQ […]
Some of advanced posts here may have the effect of making you think CW is hard enough to learn and on air is going to be even more daunting! So I want to dispel any such thoughts with this post, as this is not the case. Firstly let me say […]
SUMMARY: you MUST ALWAYS end a CQ with a K Let us look at why, and the harm being done by those who do not do so! Sadly some of the new CW operators in recent years have read a book published by the IARU called: Ethics and Operating Procedures […]
Is there a need for CW Calling Frequencies, rather than only “Centres of Activity”? And if so, will it increase or decrease on air activity? What would be the advantages? And how to use them? NOTE: This information has been superseded with QSX/Calling Frequencies now in operation CW can be […]
How can we handle a QSO if we are open to a longer chat but do not want to push the other operator who may not wish to do so, or who may not have more free time? This is a question we may sometimes ask, and there is an […]
Let us take a look at the art of calling CQ and various styles and methods that would be appropriate to what you are aiming to achieve, and how we can improve our results from CQ calls and get more replies and thus more Quality Telegraphy Time. Perhaps you have […]