CW Bash is a fun activity on weekends. During this activity, we have a short contact each time with the exchange of only one single piece of information right on the CW Calling Frequencies or otherwise to QSY for anything longer than that.
The aim is not a competition and there is no keeping of scores nor any rewards, but a fun activity in which we re-create the congestion of the golden days of 500kHz, with a cacophony of Morse Code signals, hopefully all on top of one another within a narrow bandwidth of 500Hz (1kHz Region 3).
This develops the skills to copy CW from one station among many, and popularizes the CW QSX / Calling Frequencies, reminds everyone of the IBP Beacons and their guard band, as well as gives everyone a simple and fun activity to increase enjoyment of Quality Telegraphy Time.
Maximum one hour long times slots, spaced every 8 hours on the weekend days of Saturday and Sunday, at 0000, 0800 and 1600 UTC. See the following section for division within these hours:
All activity takes place within a narrow 900Hz (Region 3) or 400Hz (Regions 1 and 2) -wide band of frequencies, as follows:
For the full hour at any time on 10100.1-10100.3 kHz (/QRP only :15-:18 and :45 to :48 minutes)
- H+00 to H+15: 24931.1-24931.5 kHz (IARU Regions 1 and 2), Region 3 can use 24930.6-24931.5 kHz
- H+15 to H+30: 21151.1-21151.5 kHz (IARU Regions 1 and 2), Region 3 can use 21150.6-21151.5 kHz (/QRP only for the first 3 minutes!)
- H+30 to H+45: 18111.1-18111.5 kHz (IARU Regions 1 and 2), Region 3 can use 18110.6-18111.5 kHz
- H+45 to H+59: 14101.1-14101.5 kHz (IARU Regions 1 and 2), Region 3 can use 14100.6-14101.5 kHz (/QRP only for the first 3 minutes!)
- Call CQ (up to 3 times) DE CALLSIGN (up to 3 times)
- Reply to a CQ call with CALLSIGN (up to 3 times) DE CALLSIGN (up to 3 times) K
- Send ONE piece of information with CALLSIGN (up to 3X) DE CALLSIGN (up to 3 times) and the single piece of information only repeated up to 3 times
- Send CALLSIGN (up to 3X) DE CALLSIGN (up to 3X) and QSL or RRR (up to 3 times) if you received the single piece of information correctly and send your single piece of info too
- End the short exchange with “77” meaning “CW Forever, I wish you many happy CW QSO” on both sides, completing the cycle.
- Do NOT have a longer QSO, since these are Calling Frequencies, instead, you can repeat the sequence again after first calling CQB or replying to the same or other stations CQ calls, and exchange a new single piece of information after any renewed contact(s).
- No more than 3 calls during any 5 minute period (as per QSX frequency rules).
- ONLY QRP signing /QRP during the 3 minute silence periods at :15-18 and :45-48 minutes.
(ONE INFO) might be a Question, or an Answer only. E.g. QTH? K or PWR 100W K
Each time both callsigns are given at the start of the short transmission, and not at the end after the short info is sent – this is in keeping with 500 kHz tradition. After this, one or ideally both stations should call CQ and may reply to each other again and start a new mini-QSO in the Bash.
- It is suggested to use a Wide CW filter to be able to catch CQ calls within the entire 900Hz range (but ONLY stations in Region 3 may use the lower half, these rules are to comply with the Band Plan and required exclusion zone around IBP Beacons).
- You might want to switch to a narrow filter once a contact is underway to exchange the single piece of information, to make it possible to copy among the possible QRM.
- Single pieces of information may include on the first sequence of exchanges, a report only (RST, RSN or QRK). On the second sequence of exchanges you may want to exchange NAME (OP). On the third another piece of single information and so on, such may be QTH, PWR, ANT, KEY, a CW Club Membership Number (send “QTT” in front, example: “QTT FIST1124”), or your AGE. Use these codes in front of the SINGLE piece of information you are sending: RST, RSN or QRK, OP or NAME, QTH, PWR, RIG, ANT, AGE, KEY, QTT.
- DO NOT under any circumstances exchange more than ONE single piece of information as any longer QSO must first QSY, and this is not the intention of the fun of copying a short INFO through possible QRM, as well as not to break the rules of the QSX Calling Frequency use. Starting with the same station after either makes a CQB again is however allowed.
- During the minutes 15 to 18 and between 45 to 48 past the hour, these are for /QRP to /QRP calls and exchanges ONLY. QRP stations during these minutes MUST sign with CALLSIGN/QRP. Any QRO station must abruptly STOP all transmissions during those two 3 minute periods, even if they are in the middle of an exchange. They can continue the exchange AFTER the end of the 3 minute /QRP to /QRP only period, or, go to /QRP.
- Note that the recommended times for the high bands 12, 15, 17 and 20m are up to 15 minutes each, please stick to these periods but you can complete any short exchange already started if it lasts beyond the period. However, keep in mind the previous point about the two “Silence Periods” (/QRP to /QRP only). On 30m the period lasts up to a full hour so it is recommended to try to use any of the higher band(s) first during their 15 minute periods, and if no activity results after several minutes, to then try the narrow 30m CW Bash 10100.1-.4.
- QRP stations must use 5W or less and MUST sign their CALLSIGN/QRP during the 3 minutes “Silence Periods” (SP) during which only /QRP to /QRP are allowed.
- NO activity during CW Bash outside the narrow 900Hz range on 12, 15, 17 and 20m (Region 3) or 400Hz range (Region 1 and 2), or 300Hz range on 30m. You can call CQ or a specific station to QSY for a full QSO after the bash hour is finished, if you’re both participating.
- Stations working to and from Region 3 can use (RIT/BFO) split or wide filter, and hear each other, but Region 1 and 2 stations must NOT transmit below their assigned range, otherwise they will violate both the rules of CW Bash AND the IARU Band Plans which protect the IBP Beacons from QRM (Beacons +/1 kHz in Regions 1 & 2, +/- 0.5 kHz in Region 3).
- You can participate in as many of the above mentioned CW Bash periods as you like. If CW Bash proves highly popular we may increase the periods, conversely if activity remains low over a longer period of time, we may decrease the periods. This page will be updated to reflect the current situation, please always read through it BEFORE taking part in CW Bash.
Although there are no prizes and no scoring and this is no contest, this activity is designed to create fun and increased activity and acceptable use of the QSX / Calling Frequency ranges. Use of other than /QRP during the Silence Periods, and any longer QSO other than the exchange of ONE SINGLE PIECE OF INFORMATION are not acceptable at any time. If you want a longer QSO you MUST QSY off the Calling Frequency.
We welcome the sharing of your CW Bash experiences! Please share them with others by joining: qt*******@ma*****.org QTT Anonymous discussion list, or privately with the event organizers at ad****@no***.org