A rough survey, which could certainly be conducted with greater quality, shows that an estimated 80% or more amateur radio CW operators use frequencies that end in a round .0kHz. There are a few reasons for this, the most notable are that with the era of digital displays it looks […]
Let’s take a reverse on our usual promotion of Quality Over Quantity and help out the Quantity Over Quality 5NN-TU crowd. They need help as they do lack imagination! This article will reveal several more ways to save critical time for the Quantity group while setting the Quality group free. […]
Without Ying and Yang we might not be. Certainly if no one ever calls CQ, we’d have no QSO because everyone would be listening. And if everyone only called CQ, we’d also have no QSO because everyone would be calling. There are, like with all things, extremes, and then there […]
There are those who strictly operate their radios without the use of any computers or Internet, there are those who do not operate the radio leaving the computer and modem to do all the work, and there are many shades in between. Let us take a look at the question: […]
Is modern world of QRP is missing out on something? This article will address this question and offer some helpful suggestions on how to get more out of the world of QRP. Modern day Amateur Radio has certainly brought a lot of benefits to the world of QRP. Kits have […]
Many these days are using CW decoders. Because many stations use them, so it is best for us all to give good advice to help them avoid problems. This is important both for the user of the CW decoder (A1B) and the CW operator (A1A) with whom he wants to […]
This page addresses the problems of SSB interference to IBP Beacons and also the often misunderstood relationship between SSB frequencies and CW frequencies based on dial readout. For more information about the International Beacon Project see the IBP Page. This page here is intended primarily to explain to the SSB […]
NO5NN.org not only provides resources for all those interested in “non-5NN TU” activities, that is, enjoyable Quality Over Quantity activity and especially in CW, but also we hope to assist the newcomer and those interested in good operating practices. In doing so, there is certainly far more that is allowed […]
The following article, linked below, is considered essential reading for anyone new to electronic (paddle) keying as well as those who do not want to limit the possibility of operating at higher speeds (QRQ). Learning to use a twin “iambic” paddle with electronic keyer is going to hamper your QRQ […]
Some of advanced posts here may have the effect of making you think CW is hard enough to learn and on air is going to be even more daunting! So I want to dispel any such thoughts with this post, as this is not the case. Firstly let me say […]