QUA Activity

Why QUA?

It’s a way to increase fun and activity on CW. It solves the boredom of repeating the same information in  QSO with the same CW operators if there is a limit to language for longer QSO. It’s also a way to hear news about the activity of other CW operators and your own to be circulated.

What is QUA?

QUA means “I have news of…” and QUA? means “Do you have news of…”

After creating this activity, it took me long to realize that QUA is also the first 3 letters of Quality!

How does it work?

During a QSO ask QUA? if you want to receive a QUA. To send a QUA look at your log, and send the last (5) callsigns of stations that you had a real QSO with including real report, QTH, Name, PWR, ANT (not just a 5NN TU — these should NOT be included!). For example: QUA JX2UJI AJ2KSO BY1CDA M4ALM KV4BGR. You may even add the name along with each callsign if you wish, this also shows that it wasn’t a mere “5NN TU” QSO.

The other station receiving this, might ask for further information, in the above example, maybe KV4BGR is known to him or a friend. He may then send <INT>QUA KV4BGR or QUA KV4BGR? BK in which case you then reply with further info from your log QUA KV4BGR BOB TAMPA, FL 21067kHz.

For those who are known to each other and so do not need to repeat their QTH, Name, PWR, ANT, an honest report and an exchange of QUA qualifies to be included in the QUA report.

Where and When?

Especially (but not only) in the “TOP9” friendship area of the top 9 kHz of the CW bands:

80m: 3.561-3.570 MHz (Region 3: 3.526-3.535 MHz)
40m: 7.031-7.040 MHz (Region 3: 7.021-7.029 QRO, 7.030 QRP)
30m: 10.121-10.130 MHz
20m: 14.061-14.070 MHz
17m: 18.086-18.095 MHz
15m: 21.061-21.070 MHz
12m: 24.906-24.915 MHz
10m: 28.061-28.070 MHz

At any time, just as part of your normal operating.

Any Scores or Awards?

All QSO containing QUA which took place in the TOP9 frequencies mentioned above, qualify for you to add your totals at the end of the month here: https://internationalcwcouncil.org/top9-submission/ and the results will appear the next month here: https://internationalcwcouncil.org/top9-results/

You don’t have to submit them, the main point is to have fun. Other rewards include your callsign being circulated in other QUA messages.


QUA is an activity which compliments QSO by adding an additional possible information exchange beyond QTH, NAME, RSN, PWR, ANT, KEY. You can also make use of QTT to include your club(s) membership (and numbers) if you wish, or, previously held callsigns even from other services.